SocBoxCore (SBC) Software Documentation

Internal Messages:

On this page you will find documentation that covers the basic use of the internal messages feature for SBC.

When you arrive in the messages section you will see the page looks similar to the image below. The left side is the message list, indicated by item B in the example and the right side is the view/reply section indicated by item C in the example. The box tabs are notated by item A and you can click on each tab to view a different box. Currently there are 5 boxes:

  • Inbox: This is where all new messages sent to you will arrive (other than notifications, they will be under the notifications tab).
  • Sent: This is where all of your sent messages will be stored. When you reply to a message a copy will be stored in this box.
  • Deleted: This is where deleted messages are stored until the system utility runs that will remove them. The site admin will set up a schedule for removing all deleted messages as a batch, either 3x, 2x, 1x per week.
  • Junk: This is for junk messages, messages that you don't want to save but that you don't want to delete either.
  • Saved: This is where messages can be saved.
Please remember that all boxes have limits (set by admin) which are posted next to the box title inside the box. For example: Inbox (31 max). This is to control the volumn of messages on the system.

On the right side item C on the image below, there are other tabs for:

  • Site Notification: This is where you will be notified for example if one of your posted features has been approved or denied (ie blog, forum post, video, gallery). This is also where you will be notified if someone comments on one or your feature posts or liked your post. You can disable notifications in your user settings section.
  • Compose: This is where you can compose a new internal message to another member. Remember that members can block other members if they choose. So please behave yourself when messaging other members.
  • Attachments: This is where all your attachments from prior messages will be. For now and for security purposes we limit attachments to the messages you send out and not what you have received.
  • Other: As of this writing there is a tabD as well, we do not yet know what we want to put here so we may remove it or rename it.

Messages full view

You will see a blinking exclamation point "!" symbol indicated by the Circled Item in the left upper corner of the image above. FYI that blinking symbol is also next to the "Messages" menu link on your profile page. This symbol lets you know if you have any new unread messages. It will blink if you have unread messages and will NOT blink if you do not. New messages are marked by a grey background on the inbox list.

Messages view and reply example

As you click on each new message indicated by Item A on the image above, the message will be displayed on the right panel indicated by Item B under the view/reply tab on the sample image above. There is also a reply form which is present indicated by Item C on the image above. Clicking each inbox message in Item A will also pre load the "To" and "Subject" values on the reply form. Also when you click each inbox message it will automatically be set to "read" and the grey background will go away.

There is also a drop down menu indicated by Item A on the image below, where you can perform the tasks shown by selecting the check box in the "action" column next to the message. You can also check several messages in the "action" column for multi message actions.

Messages dropdown menu

Every box tab on the left works very much the same way, except there will be no reply form for any box other than inbox. If you want to reply to a sent, deleted, junk or saved message you will need to mark that message as unread first, and then reply using the inbox tab. This may change depending on user experience.