SocBoxCore™ (SBC) Software Documentation
At this time software documentation and translations are being developed but are far from completion.
Welcome to our software documentation area. SocBoxCore™ (SBC) is a closed source social core software built using HTML5 , JS , CSS3 , and PHP which allows anyone to create their own online social site. Here you will find links on the left side of the page that cover different areas. We hope that the documentation pages included will help you better manage and make the most of the features included in the SBC software.
At this time our documentation is only in English, but we are working on a spanish and swedish version. If you care to help us translate the documentation into another language please contact our support team using the contact page

* The software box is for display and marketing purposes only! The software is delivered via digital download, customers do not receive an actual box.
Js (JavaScript) is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation.
CSS3 is a trademark of the World Wide Web Consortium.
HTML5 is a trademark of the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG).
PHP is a registered trademark of the PHP Group.
FontAwesome is a registered trademark and copyright of Fonticons. Inc.
Google is a registered trademark of GOOGLE LLC
ionCube is a registered trademark and copyright of ionCube Ltd
Zend is a registered trademark and copyright of Zend By Perforce
NeutrinoAPI is a registered trademark and copyright of