SocBoxCore (SBC) Software Documentation

Server and Environment Requirements

Browser Requirements

This software has been written to only support Chrome and Firefox browsers. Other browsers may work but we do not support that functionality.

Javascript Requirements

Due to the added flexibilty that javascript offers we require that javascript be enabled on your browser. You will not be able to use the software without it.

  • Javascript MUST be enabled on your browser, you will not be able to run the install without it.
  • We currently ONLY support the latest Chrome and Firefox browsers

SSL Certificate Requirements

Due to the ever increasing need for secure data protection and the affordability of SSL Certificates, HTTPS is required. Please have your certificate installed on the domain before attempting to install this software.

Server Requirements

At this time we DO NOT provide support for nginx, wamp, lamp, unix, windows or any other installs other than on a Linux Apache machine. We do not yet have the techincal staff to provide adequate support for windows or other server installs, when we do we will. We highly recommend a CentOS 7+ install for the operating system. It is simply a proven OS and has withstood the test of time. We do NOT support suPHP, suapache, suexec or suhosin modules

Please be sure your host server meets ALL the following requirements:

  • Linux Servers Only- At this time we DO NOT support Unix or Windows Installs.
  • Apache 2.4.46 or higher with:
    • -- mod_rewrite on
    • -- mod_security (strict configurations) off
  • PHP 7.4+ with:
    • -- cURL on
    • -- fopen on
    • -- suPHP off
    • -- suApache off
    • -- suhosin off
    • -- sessions enabled
  • PHP modules:
    • -- PDO
    • -- DOM
    • -- mbstring
    • -- zip
    • -- zlib
    • -- ftp
    • -- json
    • -- php_openssl
  • MySQL Version 8.0.21+ (PDO_MySQL)
  • GD Library 2 with FreeType support
  • Mail server (SendMail, Exim or other)
  • Cron
  • ionCube Loader (current version)
  • HTTPS Required
  • noreply@[your domain] email required

The server requirements are listed on this page. These requirements are the minimum you will need to run the software. Please be advised that as of the date of this writing the software is compatible with php 7.4 Please be sure your server meets ALL the requirements listed above on this page.

Many of these values can be found on a phpinfo() listing that you can acquire from your server. If you do not know how to run a phpinfo() report, you can ask your host or you may ask on the forum (when we have that ready) and we will be happy to assist you.