As of 12/15/2024 Release date is TBD (To Be Determined)
If you are a developer and would like to join the team please contact us.
We are in need of software testers and translation volunteers. Every volunteer will receive a free copy of the software once it is released. If interested please visit our contact page and submit your information. We will be in touch when testing or translation begins. Please be sure to include your translation language if volunteering to translate.

Welcome To SocBoxCore™
Have you dreamed of starting your own social website but did not know where to start? Or maybe you tried a few options on the market and did not like all the fees and overhead to get your dream rolling.
How about an easy approach to your dream that is user friendly and gives you lots of features you would normally have to pay extra for. With SocBoxCore you get everything you need to get started? You simply hit the ground running with everything you need to get your dream underway when it comes to social or community software.
SocBoxCore is a secure and lightweight environment. You can rest easy knowing that what you are using is well written and security conscious.
Welcome to SocBoxCore (Social Box Core) and a fresh approach!
Please read our about page for more information.