Socboxcore (SBC) Software Documentation

After Install:

  • Again congrats on installing the SBC software. We recommmend the following tasks to be assured you have a solid foundation for your new install.

  • Removing Files and Folders:

    One of the first things you need to do is to delete the old install folder. It has been renamed during the install process to install_old[unixtimestamp] to help prevent someone else from running install for malicious reasons. So just delete it.

    Then delete the old index file. It has been renamed to index_old_remove.php, delete that file as well.

    Then delete the old clean file. Go to core/process/install_final_clean_old.php, just delete it also.

    Be sure you delete the original SBC software zip file. This is the one that you uploaded and expanded, you don't need it anymore.

  • Checking the Database:

    Before your first login or any other site activity we recommend that you check your database. Go to your phpMyAdmin or whatever you use to view your database and check the contents of the admin table, users table, and config table to be sure they have content and the content appears to be accurate.

  • Now you are ready for your first login and to set up your website configuration in the ACP (Admin Control Panel). Please refer to the user login documention User Login Documentation

    Then after you log in as user go ahead FIRST THING and get into the AAC Admin Activity Console, click on the big wrench right next to the big green finger green finger and scroll down that config page and configure the basics of your site.

    You can refer to this documentation to log into the AAC Admin Activity Console Admin Login Documentation

    If you have any issues or questions please contact us at our support email.. support at

    Thank you again for your time and for using the SBC software, Sincerely, Dave :)